Expressing Our love to the one who first loved us
Each week we have three opportunities to worship together, we pray, fellowship, sing, and open the scriptures together to connect with Christ. Don't worry too much about what you wear. Some people are in suits and others are in shorts and flipflops. Come as you are!
Sunday Morning 10:45 AM
Join us, starting November 27th, as we begin our prepartion for the celebration of the birth of Christ. Advent is a season of prayer, fasting, and preparation of our hearts to recieve Christ again. We offer a children’s worship service and nursery care during this time. Our elemtary kids will join us on the 5th Sunday of the month. Our services have a blended musical style. We receive Communion on the first Sunday of every month and special times of worship
Check out previous services on our Youtube Channel
Sunday Evening Worship - 6pm
Join us for a time of prayer, singing of meaningful hymns, reflections, and discussion on the book of Daniel. The Teens and Children have begun practice for the Christmas program and start at 5:30 and go to 7pm.
Check out previous services on our Youtube Channel
Wednesday Evening 5:15-8:15 PM
The evening begins with a meal from 5:15pm - 6:30pm. If you would like to join us for the meal please contact the office for more information. Then at 7pm we have a small group discussion to augment the sermon series Way, Truth, and Life. We also offer Children’s Bible Quizzing from 6:45pm-8:15pm and Children’s Lessons from 7pm-8:15pm. Choir practice also meets from 7pm-8:15pm. Our teens meet from 7pm -8:15pm as well.